Scott H. Silver: |
Issues and Answers: Hot Topics
Tuesday, August 20th, 1:00 – 2:45 PM
Palms Ballroom – Sabal, Convention Level
As always, this is one of the premiere interactive and lively presentations of the entire convention. The claims’ professionals on this panel will present a detailed analysis of several workers’ compensation “hot topics.” Scott Silver’s role is to crystallize the issues and present them in his own unique way. Some of the topics discussed will be advances, drug repackaging and quick closure techniques. This year, for the first time, we are adding an important wrinkle. In addition to talking about law and strategy, we are adding a full blown discussion on ethics for each individual topic. |
H. George Kagan: |
BARRISTER DUNK TANK: Identifying the Annoying, Counterproductive and ‘Cost Enhancing’ Habits of Our Lawyers — BUT (despite temptation) — Don’t Leave Them Under Too Long! Tuesday, August 20th, 3:15 – 4:15 PM
Grand Ballroom 7A, Convention LevelOutside and sometimes house counsel resist being told what to do, so to speak, fearing infringement on their professional “domain.” The professional claims’ client raises an eyebrow as legal matters persist after closure of cases seemed indicated. The attorney cites imminent breakthroughs, but bills skyrocket, sometimes with regret voiced by counsel – – all the way to the bank, thinks the claims’ client. This scenario is but one among many stress points afflicting litigation today. Judges on the appellate bench have a unique perspective on how — to put it nicely, things might better have been handled “differently.” Our “aim” in this fast-paced session is to help field the best possible team confronting the real target: open, litigated claims — and how best to close them expeditiously. Also addressed are screening techniques for qualifying panel counsel, issues unique to house counsel, and realistic alternative billing assessments.
Robert J. Rodriguez: |
The Official WCEC Trial
Tuesday, August 20th, 4:00 – 5:10 PM
Palms Ballroom – Canary, Convention Level
Here is what you have been waiting for! Not nearly as many cases go to trial now as ten years ago. Because of the success of mediations, some in the audience may never have seen a trial. Here is your chance. Judge Rosen will convene his courtroom with two of the best lawyers in the State of Florida. Ray Malca will appear for the claimant and Robert Rodriguez for the defense. Jana Cauley will portray at least one witness. The trial will be over a medically based issue and will be done in both in-person and video-teleconference fashion. |
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